[WsInfo] Perl-Workshop Vorabend-Treffen am Sonntag

Marcus Holland-Moritz mhx-perl at gmx.net
Fr Jun 4 10:13:57 CEST 2010

Hi Nicholas,

On 2010-06-02, at 22:21:14 +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 10:17:22PM +0200, Alvar Freude wrote:
> >  19:00 Uhr im Cafe Künstlerbund
> > <http://www.kuenstlerbund-stuttgart.de/cafe/cafe.html>
> Glaubt night was Google Maps sagt.
> a: "Schondorf Hbf" ist nicht wo es glaubt dass es ist

The Sunday meeting is not going to be in or even near Schorndorf.

The idea was that people might actually want to see a bit of
Stuttgart instead of staying in Schorndorf all the time. So,
the Schorndorf station


is about 30 km from Stuttgart main station. However, there are
about 3 trains per hour going directly between Schorndorf and


> b: Wenn man das "A" am wichtiger Ort sitzt, sagt Google Maps dass es 850m ist:
>   http://maps.google.de/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Arnulf-Klett-Platz&daddr=70173+Stuttgart,+am+Schlo%C3%9Fplatz+2&hl=de&geocode=Fadg6AIdDhWMAA%3BFYRP6AId1BeMACm_YlviNNuZRzH4XPZxtd5sgA&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=20&dirflg=w&sll=48.783584,9.180654&sspn=0.000444,0.00109&ie=UTF8&ll=48.783584,9.180654&spn=0.000444,0.00109&t=h&z=20
>    Aber es kennt nicht dass es vor dem Bahnhof ein Füßgängerübergang gibt.
>    Wichtig ist es ~650m.

Yes, the meeting location is rather close to Stuttgart main
station. 650m should be correct. There's also a passage
underground leading from main station to Königstraße, which
is the most convenient way to get there.

> [Ich weiß night ob ich da sein wirt, weil wir fleigen von Wien um "17:55" an,
>  und möchten nach dem Hotel in Schondof fahren]

It takes about an hour to get from the airport to Schorndorf,
and about half an hour to get back to Stuttgart. I suppose
we're going to be around at the Café Künstlerbund until 10pm,
so if you want to join in later, that's no problem.

However, Stuttgart main station is one of the stops when going
to Schorndorf, so you could also just drop by on your way to
Schorndorf. (That would save you at least one hour on the train.)


Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffc40) at main.c:29
29   printf ("Welcome to GNU Hell!\n");
		-- "GNU Libtool documentation"
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