[WsInfo] Re: Perl 6 hackathon on the weekend after GPW 2009?

Renée Bäcker perl at renee-baecker.de
Do Feb 5 09:58:24 CET 2009

Gabor Szabo schrieb:
>>  http://conferences.yapceurope.org/gpw2009/wiki
> hmm it seems the Register link does not work so only people who already have an
> Act account from a previous Act-based conference or workshop can login.
> What did I miss ?

I have enabled registration. This was disabled as we have a seperate
registration workflow for the workshop.


> Gabor
> ps. as a workaround I think people can register on YAPC::EU
> http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/ and then they have an Act account
> they can use for this wiki as well.
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