[WsInfo] Re: Perl 6 hackathon on the weekend after GPW 2009?

Steffen Schwigon ss5 at renormalist.net
Di Feb 3 21:21:22 CET 2009

Gabor Szabo <szabgab at gmail.com> writes:
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Stephen Riehm <stephen.riehm at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Hi Gabor, JAPHs,
>> has there been any news about the Hackathon?  I still haven't
>> booked my accommodation, but would like to fairly soon, preferably
>> in the hotel where we'd be spending the weekend, or near where ever
>> it is we'll be meeting up.
>> How many even jumped on the band-wagon?
> So far it seems only the 3 of us are interested but as I am going to
> be there anyway I'd be glad if others joined as well too.
> I think we should setup a wiki page where people can sign up if they
> are interested. Does GPW have a wiki?

Local information around the workshop is stored in an Act! based
system. This also has a wiki:


Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <ss5 at renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>
German Perl-Workshop 2009 <http://www.perl-workshop.de/en/2009>

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