[WsInfo] Jacket

Juerd Waalboer juerd at convolution.nl
Mo Feb 26 12:36:33 CET 2007

Hi Organizers,

Thanks for organizing another great workshop. I continue to be surprised
by the number of attendees.

I'm afraid that I left my jacket at the workshop venue.

Did you perhaps find it? If not, could you please forward my call for
help to the FHM?

The jacket is brown leather, with lighter brown stripes along the

If it could be sent to me by mail, I'd be very, very grateful. Just let
me know the postage.

Thanks for your time and effort,

Best regards,
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  <juerd at juerd.nl>  <http://juerd.nl/sig>
  convolution:     ict solutions and consultancy <sales at convolution.nl>

Ik vertrouw stemcomputers niet.
Zie <http://www.wijvertrouwenstemcomputersniet.nl/>.


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