[WsInfo] Perl cycling tour

Richard Lippmann lippmann at sprachtheorie.de
Fr Feb 28 10:54:49 CET 2003

Ich wäre interessiert. Richard Lippmann, Nürnberg.

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, R. Burbach wrote:

> Hi all,
> the idea to this came on Perlmonks a year ago. Now I am prepared to give it
> a shot.
> The aim is to have a Perl cycling tour in late summer/early autumn of 2004
> in Germany.
> Before I start organizing stuff, I'd like to know how many people would be
> interested.
> As I cannot come to the Workshop I would be glad if someone there could
> take a survey on this subject.
> For a first info it would be enough to ask them, if there was  a Perl
> cycling tour, would they want to go.
> I hope for a more comprehensive web survey, but for starters this would be
> a great help.
> Cheers,
> Regina
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