[PATCH] Updated terminfo file with more modifiers

Emanuele Giaquinta emanuele.giaquinta at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 09:32:55 CEST 2015


On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 01:19:12PM +0200, Sebastian Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have updated the rxvt-unicode.terminfo file to include:
> - The shifted variants of kcud1 (down arrow) and kcuu1 (up arrow).
>   Shifted up arrow is kUP; shifted down arrow is kDOWN according to [1],
>   but that’s the only reference to it. ncurses’ terminfo.src[2] and even
>   a demo[3] call it kDN, so I have used kDN as well.
> - kFND[4], the shifted variant of kfnd (find).
> - The Ctrl and Shift+Ctrl variants of Delete, Home, End, Find, Prior,
>   Next and Insert and the Ctrl variants of Up, Down, Left and Right.

thanks, the patch looks good. BTW, what was the motivation for it? Is
there any ncurses app that supports these extended keys?

>   According to [5] and [2] these variants are named by appending 5
>   (Ctrl) or 6 (Shift+Ctrl) to the shifted key name.

This applies to the xterm modifier encoding only, which is not used by


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