Unable to render some unicode characters.

Marc Lehmann schmorp at schmorp.de
Wed Aug 6 23:25:53 CEST 2014

On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 11:20:17AM -0700, "Lance R. Vick" <lance at lrvick.net> wrote:
> When running the following `echo -e "\u231a\u21d1\u271a\u27a6\u25cf"`
> \u231a , the "clock" character, fails to render, but renders as expected in
> other terminals such as Terminator and xfce4-terminal with identical fonts.

You need to use a font that has the glyph you are looking for. If you are
using multiple fonts, you need to make sure that all the glyphs you need from
the non-initial font in the font list actually fit.

For example,

   urxvt -fn "9x15bold,xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"

Tells urxvt to augment 9x15bold with bitstream vera sans mono, which will be
scaled accordingly. However, some glyphs in vera might not be too big, and
then urxvt can't render them.

When in doubt, you should use core fonts instead of xft fonts - they
don't support anitaliasing, but since the API is way better, urxvt
can make better decisions - with xft, urxvt can only do some quick
consistency checks, and fonts very oftem deliver wrong metrics, especially
on "weird/uncommon" characters.

That is, a font that claims to fit might suddenly turn out not to fit

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      Marc Lehmann
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