A little bug ???

Patrick Serru patrik at serru.net
Wed Jul 9 18:55:00 CEST 2014

    Hi All,

    I wrote a routine to convert escape sequence to key codes > 127. As I 
wanted to fit an 8 bits character, I had to remove some case: those 
corresponding to the keys that are not available on my keybaord, and those 
related to trhe keypad. Checking that work, I mentioned something stange in 
the table I started from (rxvt-unicode-9.18/doc/rxvt.7.man, at the bottom):
 ,/*kUp,             */ "[A",   "[a",   "Oa",   "OA"  // (!"OA") ('↑')
 ,/*kDown,           */ "[B",   "[b",   "Ob",   "OB"  // (!"OB") ('↓')
 ,/*kRight,          */ "[C",   "[c",   "Oc",   "OC"  // (!"OC") ('→')
 ,/*kLeft,           */ "[D",   "[d",   "Od",   "OD"  // (!"OC") ('←')
 ,/*kKP_Enter,       */ "",     "OM",     "",   "OM"  // E2  ('Intro')
So, the sequence return for key '⇑'+'Enter' is identical 
as 'Ctrl'+'⇑'+'Enter'.

Patrick Serru

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