Extending URxvt

Yclept Nemo orbisvicis at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 06:25:51 CET 2014

I would like to extend URxvt, but only if my proposed changes are approved:
 * Support some of XTerm's dynamic color reset OSC sequences [110-118]
 * add a URxvt-specific dynamic color set/reset OSC sequence for

The proposed changes are simple. Some needed discussion or questions:
 * add URxvt_Color_cursor2 as 709. Acceptable?
 * add URxvt_Color_Reset_cursor2 as 120. Acceptable?
 * Regarding rs[Rs_color + Color_cursor] and rs[Rs_color + Color_cursor],
I'm assuming they're properly initialized and guaranteed to hold meaningful
data without prior checks.
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