Urxvt tabbed(ex) scroll doesn't work when mouse is not inside urxvt window

Martin Pohlack mp26 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Thu Mar 6 21:53:52 CET 2014

I have a suspicion.  My patch only sends the "event" parameter for this
hook type (and not keysym and str), which is actually in violation of
what the man-page defines.  The normal tabbed extension does not use the
other properties, but your mentioned ones might.

In order to compute keysym and str in all cases we would have to do some
reordering in the key_press function and move the scrolling code beyond
the original hook position instead of introducing the earlier hook.


On 06.03.2014 21:31, Vas No Medas wrote:
> Hello!
> I've stumbled upon a little problem with using this patched urxvt.
> After installing urxvt-perls and using url-select plugin from there I've
> seen the following behaviour: I press Alt+U to enter url selecting mode
> and after that the terminal ignores any input (tried Esc, different
> combinations, but no luck, it was just frozen). The same with tabbedex
> extension when I try to rename tab.
> For example in tabbedex the problem starts when sub tab_key_press
> returns 1 instead of ()
> After that the $keysym:
>>sub tab_key_press {
>>   my ($self, $tab, $event, $keysym, $str) = @_;
> the $keysym is always empty after tab_key_press returns 1 instead of ()
> Maybe you've got ideas why this could happen?
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