Urxvt tabbed(ex) scroll doesn't work when mouse is not inside urxvt window

zlists at ns.sympatico.ca zlists at ns.sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 28 19:17:37 CET 2014

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 19:03 (+0100), Martin Pohlack wrote:

> Hi again,

> I also observe the problem with xfce and focus follows mouse.

> I think the difference is, which instance of urxvt receives and cooks
> the key sequence, so whether the embedded tab instances receive events
> directly or whether the outer instances receives, processes, and
> forwards them.

> Last time I instrumented the relevant code path with printfs to gain
> some clarity ... maybe I find the time again in the next weeks.

And a related (or the same, I getting?) problem with fvwm2 and focus follows

Specifically, if I have a urxvt terminal and the mouse is on the title
bar, page-up and page-down keys have no apparent effect, regardless of
whether I am using tabbedex or not.  This is different behaviour than
both the xterm and the rxvt I have on my system.  (And uxterm and

To the original poster: using your favourite window manager and your
favourite configuration, does this happen in other terminal emulators
or just in urxvt?  My tests lead me to believe this is more of a urxvt
"feature" than a window manager issue.


> On 28.02.2014 08:01, Vas No Medas wrote:
>> Hello again.

>> I've tried installing rxvt-unicode 9.15 and rxvt-unicode 9.14, enabled
>> tabbed extension there and the bug was also there. (At  first I though
>> that it was broken again after 9.15)

>> Also I thought that it could be a problem with awesome, so I installed
>> xubuntu on virtualbox, launch rxvt-unicode 9.18 + tabbed there and tried
>> scrolling up-down with Shift+PageUp/PageDown and it also didn't work
>> when mouse pointer was not in window.

>> I also tried diving with gdb in rxvt-unicode source code to see where it
>> differs between when mouse pointer is inside/outside, but haven't
>> succeeded. Maybe anyone knows why and how it detects mouse outside window?

>> Vas

>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:31 AM, Michael Traxler <M.Traxler at gsi.de
>> <mailto:M.Traxler at gsi.de>> wrote:

>> Hi,

>> I can verify the wrong behaviour of urxvt-9.19 and tabbedex together
>> with
>> awesome and the shift-page-up/down. Only works if the mouse is in the
>> terminal, even though the focus is on urxvt (never dared to report!).

>> shift-cursor-left/right to change the tab is working without
>> problems even if
>> the mouse is outside of urxvt.

>> Michael

>>     ------------------------------__---------

>> On Sun, 23 Feb 2014, Vas No Medas wrote:

>> Hi, Martin!

>> I've disabled the scrolling redefinition. Now I can't scroll
>> line-by-line
>> with Shift+Up/Down.
>> Shift+PageUp/PageDown (I haven't redefined it) works only when
>> mouse is
>> inside urxvt.
>> I've also investigated a bit:
>> Alt+S (searchable-scrollback) works even if mouse is outside.
>> Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right work even if mouse is outside.

>> I've also tried disabling
>>         !URxvt*.iso14755: false
>>         !URxvt*.iso14755_52: false
>> But still no luck.

>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Martin Pohlack
>>         <mp26 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
>>         <mailto:mp26 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de>>__wrote:

>> Hi,

>> your resources do contain redefinitions for scrolling:

>> URxvt*.keysym.Shift-Up: command:\033]720;1\007
>> URxvt*.keysym.Shift-Down: command:\033]721;1\007

>> Do you still see the problem if you use the defaults there
>>             (remove them)
>>             + reload X resources (or logout / login)?

>> If you trace the processing of the key sequences, I would
>> assume that
>> they are processed in the main instance and not the tabbed
>> ones and
>> therefore never arrive in the specific instances.

>> Martin

>> On 23.02.2014 13:48, Vas No Medas wrote:

>> Hello!

>> I have awesome WM and urxvt v9.19 with tabbed plugin
>> enabled. Also I
>> scroll with Shift+Up/Down. When I switch focus to my
>> urxvt terminal but
>> leave mouse outside, Shift+Up/Down has no effect.
>> However, if I move the
>> mouse in, scrolling works just right.

>> Also when I disable tabbed plugin, scrolling works in
>> all cases. I've
>> tried tabbedex, but the situation is still the same.

>> I've found a similar bugreport
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-__bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=511377
>>                 <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=511377>
>> which says that
>> this was fixed in 9.14-15
>> The solution there was to add on_tt_write handler. My
>> perl/tabbed file
>> also has on_tt_write handler but it seems that it is
>> never called (tried
>> putting warn in it)

>> Here is my ~/.Xresources file:

>> http://bpaste.net/show/__AddbC9C0d9U7qovNAa0R/
>>             <http://bpaste.net/show/AddbC9C0d9U7qovNAa0R/>

>> Also would be great if you could tell if you were able
>> to reproduce the

>> bug

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