src/rxvtfont.C ascent/descent and g.xOff patch

Marc Lehmann schmorp at
Wed Jan 22 17:29:18 CET 2014

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 02:39:26PM +0200, clutton <clutton at> wrote:
> As a new rxvt user, I may think that enormous width means something
> wrong with rxvt rendering.

And something is wrong: the font chosen - the fonts that are chosen by
urxvt by default do not show thisa problem (or that is a bug in the
default font selection).

> Because other software displays that font correctly.

For some unstated definition of "correctly" that probably only includes
latin glyphs.

> Furthermore, all software displays that font correctly.

(That really makes no sense).

> So, what is the official answer? Don't use bad fonts?

Dont ever use bad fonts, obviously, but the problem here is not a bad
font, but simply an unsuitable one. Proportional fonts are not suitable
for terminals, which require a fixed width font. Unfortunately, xft only
supports proportional fonts, so urxvt has to compromise.

(See my reply to your private mail for more details).

> «The solution is to upgrade your system or switch to a better one»
> doesn't look like a right answer for my question.

What is your question? "How can I make a proprtional font look good in a
terminal?" - I don't think anybody has an answer to that.

                The choice of a       Deliantra, the free code+content MORPG
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      ----==-- _       generation
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      Marc Lehmann
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      schmorp at
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