[PATCH] Only ongrab kuake hotkey if the $term is not embedded.

Marc Lehmann schmorp at schmorp.de
Thu Dec 8 15:44:24 CET 2011

On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 05:05:46PM +0100, Mark Pustjens <pustjens at dds.nl> wrote:
> The mechanism used to create a new urxvt instance from within a perl
> extension also copies its parents environment. (including the
> setting that enabled the kuake perl extension).

yes, exactly.

> In my setup, it is the embedding terminal (the termincal which
> receives embedded instances) which enables kuake. This also happens

yes, but the behaviour has nothing to do with embedding, it comes from
enabling kuake for multiple terminals.

> The problem is that when an embedded instance closes, the on_destroy
> handler is called, which ungrabs the key using the window it was
> embedded in.

yes, there is no way to share hotkeys between apps without some external
arbitration - in this case, it has to be the user, because the kuake
extension doesn't do anything like that.

> In my opinion, grabbing a key of a window urxvt is embedded in is
> not very nice.

embedding still has nothing to do with the issue, so I don't see why it would
not be very nice. I think ignoring the user request to enable kuake silently
is not very nice, though.

> Shouldnt the window where urxvt is embedded in handle kuake-like
> behaviour?

urxvt makes no assumptions on where it is embedded, if kuake is requested,
kuake will be enabled.

in your case, it makes sense to only enable kuake for the embedder, and
you would have to configure it accordingly, as urxvt does not do that for

> So what solution do you propose?

as described in my first reply, kuake should only be enabled for one
terminal, e.g. the toplevel one.

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      Marc Lehmann
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