some questions about urxvt

Magnus Woldrich m at
Sat Jun 11 10:09:58 CEST 2011

On 2011-06-11 15:38, stardiviner wrote:

>    I saw *man 7 urxvt*, I find there is a way to set font for chinese.
>    I hope that I can define it to use chinese font when I use *weechat* and ncmpcpp
>    here is my idea, setting them in .Xdefaults. or set with urxvt's options

I can't see the question, but I do it like this. First, create application
specific settings in .Xresources:

ncmpcpp*font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-koi8-u


     xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

spawn a new terminal. You'll want to do this to use the ncmpcpp settings:

     urxvt -name ncmpcpp

You can even execute ncmpcpp directly, like so:

     urxvt -name ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp

But I don't do that for ncmpcpp, because most often I do not want to spawn a new
terminal, but to re-use one of them ones I already have open. So I came up with
this, to change background and foreground colors, as well as the font (and to
restore it afterwards):

     printf "\e]710;-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-50-iso646.1991-irv\007\e]11;#202020\007\e]10;#404040\007" && /usr/local/bin/ncmpcpp ; printf "\e]710;-windows-montecarlo-medium-r-normal--11-110-72-72-c-60-microsoft-cp1252\007\e]11;#121212\007\e]10;#e5e5e5\007"

It'll probably be reformatted in the mail, so see it here[1].

>    this can let urxvt use 256color. after I setted this, I open console vim. I find that the colorscheme
>    is totally weird, I am sure that vim colorscheme support 256 color. and I tried other colorscheme. same result.

You can see if you have 256 color support with this[0] script.

>    I do now know that whether it is my own problem. but I feel that urxvt start is a little slow.
>    So I find way to use daemon.
>    I don't know how to let urxvt daemon run in background when I startup Linux. How to do this ?

That depends on your distribution. I have this line in my .xinitrc:

     urxvtd -q -f -o  &
     (sleep 1; urxvtc)&


│ Magnus Woldrich
│ m at japh.se

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