Problems with missing screen updates on recent version

Alex Bennee kernel-hacker at
Mon May 9 18:46:49 CEST 2011


For a while now I've been noticing screen corruption and missing
updates on rxvt. The first thing I noticed was backspace wouldn't
always update the screen so characters wouldn't disappear until
another one was pressed. Even more corruption is noticeable if I
scroll in mutt or execute something with an ncurses interface like the
kernel menuconfig dialogues.

If I move the window from within X then everything corrects itself.
This makes me unsure if it's urxvt itself or one of the X libs in the
background getting confused.

My main machine is a Gentoo one but I'm running with the "vanilla"
flag to disable Gentoo's patches. I've also tried running from a plain
CVS checkout with the same problems. I'm now noticing similar problems
on Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04 machines running with the latest urxvt

Can anyone suggest anything I can try to narrow down the potential
causes of the problem?

Alex, homepage:

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