9.11 keysym list syntax

Sung Pae sungpae at gmail.com
Sat May 7 04:28:17 CEST 2011


>From the 9.11 CHANGELOG:

> - remove 'list' syntax for keysym resources, as it serves no useful
>   purpose. If you need it, poke us and provide a use case.

I like to use the list syntax to concisely set Mod4 to send a custom
prefix for use in vim.

For example (^G is a literal bell as inserted by vim):

    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-0x20: list^G\033\040^G !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 ...

sets Mod4 + ASCII printable chars (0x20..0x7e) to send ESC SPACE CHAR.

In vim then, I can loop and do something like: [1]

    for n in range(0x20, 0x7e)
        let char = nr2char(n)
        execute 'map <4-'.char.'> ^[^V\ '.char

This allows Mod4 to be mapped as:

    map <4-s> :w<CR>

Similarly, I set Mod4 + arrow keys as:

    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-Left:         list:\033\040\007:dacb:
    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-Shift-Left:   list:\033\040\007:DACB:

As you can see, I really enjoy this feature. However, if it really
needs to go, it would be nice to have a similar feature that explicitly
operates on ranges:

    URxvt.keysym.Mod4:  range:<START>:<END>:<PREFIX>:

I suppose the real solution is to patch vim and add Super/Mod4 support,
but my rxvt-unicode + vim setup works now, and it is a blissful place.


[1]: This is a simplification; view the following in vim for details

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