[PATCH] Feature addition to selection extension (select to EOL)

Jason McCarver slam at parasite.cc
Tue Sep 21 17:51:04 CEST 2010


I've recently switched from Eterm to rxvt-unicode.  I like the
selection extension but miss having the selection go from the current
position to the end of the line.

I've added a similar selection feature to the already excellent
selection extension bundled with rxvt-unicode.  It may be enabled in
the config (it is disabled by default).

I freely admit to not being familiar with X, X resources, or urxvt
internals so there's every possibility this could be better.  But it
does seem to work for me and I'm happy with it so far :)

--- selection   2009-12-26 04:50:46.000000000 -0600
+++ /home/jmccarv/.rxvt-unicode/selection-eol   2010-09-16 10:16:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
       push @{ $self->{patterns} }, qr/$res/;

+   my $selToEOL = $self->locale_decode($self->x_resource('selection.selToEOL'));
+   utf8::encode $selToEOL;
+   $self->{selToEOL} = defined $selToEOL && ($selToEOL =~ /true|yes|1/i);
    $self->{enabled} = 1;

    push @{ $self->{term}{option_popup_hook} }, sub {
@@ -125,6 +129,10 @@

+   # start of current selection to EOL
+   push @matches, [$line->offset_of($self->selection_beg), (($line->end - $line->beg + 1) * $self->ncol) - $line->offset_of($self->selection_beg)]
+      if ($self->{selToEOL} && $line->offset_of($self->selection_beg) > 0);
    # whole line
    push @matches, [0, ($line->end - $line->beg + 1) * $self->ncol];

Jason McCarver (slam at parasite.cc)

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