Problems embedding rxvt-unicode

Tuukka Kataja stuge at
Sun Jul 18 09:35:17 CEST 2010

>> When I log to a scrotwm session, rxvt-unicode works fine when not
>> embedded. But when I attempt to embed rxvt-unicode with "-embed" no text
>> is output, but the terminal works (which I can see from the scrollbar
>> and
> I guess then somebody with that problem has to sit down and debug it until
> it's found out.
> Note that I just installed scrotwm (0.9.20) and tabbed (0.3), and cannot
> reproduce any problem whatsoever - rxvt-unicode "just works" when embedded
> in tabbed.
> Sorry for not asking earlier: you aren't, by chance, experiencing these
> problems on gentoo? :)

I guess that somebody is me. And no, I'm not on Gentoo. :)

One more thing though. exg on irc at #rxvt-unicode told me that he could
reproduce the glitch using ion3 as the WM, so at least it isn't isolated
to my system only.

 - Tuukka

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