Problems embedding rxvt-unicode

Benjamin R. Haskell rxvt-unicode at
Sun Jul 18 06:51:09 CEST 2010

On Sun, 18 Jul 2010, Marc Lehmann wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 03:41:52PM +0300, Tuukka Kataja wrote:
> > When I log to a scrotwm session, rxvt-unicode works fine when not 
> > embedded. But when I attempt to embed rxvt-unicode with "-embed" no 
> > text is output, but the terminal works (which I can see from the 
> > scrollbar and
> I guess then somebody with that problem has to sit down and debug it 
> until it's found out.
> Note that I just installed scrotwm (0.9.20) and tabbed (0.3), and 
> cannot reproduce any problem whatsoever - rxvt-unicode "just works" 
> when embedded in tabbed.
> Sorry for not asking earlier: you aren't, by chance, experiencing 
> these problems on gentoo? :)

I'm a Gentoo user, but I can confirm that it also "just works" for me 
with scrotwm 0.9.25 and tabbed 0.3.

$ tabbed -d
$ urxvt -embed 12345&
$ urxvt -embed 12345&

That's using rxvt-unicode 9.07, with the 256-color patch (not because I 
*need* 256 colors -- only because I want things that expect 256 colors 
to "just work") and with ISO-14755 support disabled (because Ctrl+Shift 
is way too easy to hit accidentally when shortcut keys include 
Ctrl+Shift+ and my shell [Zsh] and editor [Vim] let me enter Unicode in 
other ways anyway).  [Sorry, the Gentoo question put me on the 
defensive, even with the smiley.]


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