cannot input cyrillic

shwegime at shwegime at
Fri Apr 9 05:24:22 CEST 2010

I'm trying out urxvt on OpenBSD, but cannot input or display cyrillic 
(in fact I have the same problem with chinese). For displaying it 
must have to do with not having the proper font setting, of which I paste 
the relevant .Xdefaults part:
                 -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap 

But the input is strange. I am using the xorg.conf kbd setting:
Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier  "Keyboard0"
         Driver      "kbd"
         Option      "Protocol"    "standard"
         Option      "XkbRules"    "xorg"
         Option          "XkbLayout" "us,it,ru(winkeys),de"
         Option          "XkbOptions" "grp:lwin_toggle"
         Option          "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"

and it works fine with "it" or "de" but if I switch to russian the cursor 
does not move and nothing comes out. If it is of any help, I have the same 
problem with mlterm (this is why I'm trying out urxvt, but in mlterm, if 
I use scim russian input it works), whereas in uxterm 
both accented chars and russian kbd input work fine.

Also scim does not show up in urxvt.

thank for any hint

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