can ot setup a background
arnuld at
Thu Dec 20 10:06:53 CET 2007
On Archlinux, I am using version: rxvt-unicode (urxvt) v8.7 - released:
I can't get a background for rxvt-unicode. The background pixmap is in xpm
format. all i get is a default white background, this is my ~/.Xdefaults:
! X-Terminal settings
xterm*title: X-Terminal
!xterm*background: Steel Blue
xterm*background: #c48793
xterm*scrollBar: true
xterm*cursorColor: yellow
xterm*faceName: Monospace
xterm*faceSize: 10
xterm*loginShell: true
xterm*saveLines: 10000
! rxvt unicode settings
urxvt*loginShell: true
urxvt*saveLines: 10000
urxvt*font: xft:Monospace:pixelsize=12
!urxvt*background: wheat3
!urxvt*background: #c8bbbe
urxvt*backgroundPixmap: $HOME/.local/urxvt_BG
urxvt*title: Unicode based X-Terminal
urxvt*cursorBlink: true
urxvt*cursorColor: dark green
urxvt*pointerColor: red
urxvt*borderColor: pink
I even tried adding a variable as suggested by man page:
urxvt*path: PATH_to_xpm_file
but that does not work either. The xpm_file is the symbolic link to some
XPM file.
-- arnuld
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