urxvt 8.8 exit bug

Benedikt Waldvogel NOSPAM at bwaldvogel.de
Tue Dec 18 22:30:19 CET 2007

Jan Geboers wrote:
> I am experiencing a bug introduced in version 8.8 of urxvt,
> which leads to the window of urxvt not being destroyed on exit.
> Sometimes it stays that way, other times it takes a few seconds for
> the window to get destroyed, and still other times it does get
> destroyed immediately like it should.

since 8.8 I experience the same problem. Sometimes the windows closes
after 0.5s, sometimes it stays for 15s.
I'm using the urxvtc/urxvtd combo. Attached is my strace of the urxvtd
process. It has timing informations, so you can see that epoll_wait
blocks for 15s.

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