can't get keysym option to work with 8.4 and later

Tim Harder thorium90 at
Thu Nov 22 01:47:39 CET 2007

On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 00:12:18 +0100
Emanuele Giaquinta <emanuele.giaquinta at> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 12:25:11PM -0800, Tim Harder wrote:
> > I haven't been able to get the "-keysym.sym string" option to work
> > with versions 8.4 and 8.5. My configure options are as follows:
> Which exact option are you trying?

I am using the following command which acts as a run dialog using zsh:

urxvt +sb +ls -bg white -cr black -name run-dialog -title "run"
-geometry 80x10 \ -keysym.0xff0d " &\nexit\n" -keysym.0xff1b "^U
exit\n" -e zsh -git

Therefore, the enter key starts the specified command in the background
and then exits the shell, closing the window. Also, the Escape key
clears the line and then exits the shell, closing the window.

This provides a run dialog with zsh completion which is very useful if
you have tweaked your zsh config a lot.

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