Scrolling when using screen broken since 6.0

Frank Schmitt ich at
Sat Jan 14 15:57:51 CET 2006

Marc Lehmann <schmorp at> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:25:40PM +0100, Frank Schmitt <ich at> wrote:
>> Hello
>> termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@ #Scrollen per Shift+PageUp in Xterm
>> termcapinfo rxvt ti@:te@ #Dito für rxvt
>> termcapinfo urxvt ti@:te@ #rxvt-unicode nicht vergessen
>> termcapinfo rxvt-unicode ti@:te@ #rxvt-unicode nicht vergessen
> Interesting solution (although it would likely be better to configure
> xterm/rxvt-unicode with their respective options for the effect so they
> can optimise the refresh better).

I must admit that I don't really understand, what the above lines really
do (I copyied them from somewhere in the net). All I know is that
normally scrolling while using screen doesn't work and with those, it
does :-)

>> This allows me to scroll using the terminal scrollbar or Shift+PageUp
>> while using screen. This worked until (including) rxvt-unicode
>> 5.9. Since rxvt-unicode 6.0 it stopped working. Any idea what the reason
>> could be?
> Since 6.0, only full-screen scrolls end up in scrollback, and you likely
> use some kind of status bar? This is just a guess, but you can verify it
> by switching off the statusbar, in which case one could do somethign about
> it in the next release.

Indeed. I have 
hardstatus alwayslastline "%w"
in ~/.screenrc which gives me one line at the bottom of the window telling
which screen buffer is active and how many I have. If I delete this
line, scrolling in screen works again.

Did you ever realize how much text fits in eighty columns? If you now consider
that a signature usually consists of up to four lines, this gives you enough
space to spread a tremendous amount of information with your messages. So seize
this opportunity and don't waste your signature with bullshit nobody will read.

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