Tampering with parent window's transparency.

Ivan Vilata i Balaguer ivan at selidor.net
Sun Nov 13 17:40:12 CET 2005

Hi list,

I have tried to use rxvt-unicode with transparency under Ion, but Rxvt
mangles the window manager so that it also makes the title bar
transparent!  Here are two screenshots of another user:

* http://www.csh.rit.edu/~psionic/images/before.png
* http://www.csh.rit.edu/~psionic/images/after.png

I think the reason is Rxvt making *parent* windows transparent, as
explained in http://wiki.ael.be/ion/?Transparency.  This seems to be a
problem inherited from the original Rxvt.  Is it necessary to do that?
I found that the following patch solves the problem:

--- src/command.C.orig	2005-11-13 16:54:59.000000000 +0100
+++ src/command.C	2005-11-13 16:57:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -2575,11 +2575,8 @@
            * needed for fvwm2.2.2 (and before?) */
           sleep (1);
-          for (n = 0; n < (unsigned int)i; n++)
-            {
-              XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (disp, TermWin.parent[n], ParentRelative);
-              XClearWindow (disp, TermWin.parent[n]);
-            }
+          XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (disp, TermWin.parent[0], ParentRelative);
+          XClearWindow (disp, TermWin.parent[0]);
           XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (disp, TermWin.vt, ParentRelative);
           am_transparent = 1;

Maybe I amb completely wrong (I know nothing about low-level X
programming), but at least it works.

Please CC me your responses, since I am not in the list.

Thanks a lot!


  Ivan Vilata i Balaguer   @ Welcome to the European Banana Republic! @
  http://www.selidor.net/  @     http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/    @
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