4.5->5.2 upgrade broke keysym mappings slightly

Ville Herva vherva at v.iki.fi
Sun Mar 13 14:20:25 CET 2005

[I'd appreciate Cc:'ing me, but I will read the archive.]

I've had this in my -Xresources forever:
Rxvt*keysym.0xFF63:     ^Aa
URxvt*keysym.0xFF63:     ^Aa

0xFF63 is <insert>

Rationale: when using screen, ctrl-A doesn't go to the beginning of the
line - I've mapped <home> to ctrl-A for use without screen and <insert> for
ctrl-A A for use under screen.

When I upgraded from urxvt-4.5 to 5.2, shift-insert (paste) no longer works
is I have that mapping in place. Is there a way to restore paste
functionality somehow? I've grown pretty attached to these keymappings, I'd
rather not change them if possible...

The behaviour remains the same with urxvt-5.3.

-- v -- 

v at iki.fi

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