Differences with aterm concerning refresh
Vincent Bernat
bernat at lsv.ens-cachan.fr
Fri Jan 21 12:42:28 CET 2005
Hello !
I am willing to replace aterm with rxvt-unicode but I have noticed a small
"glitch". I am using this command line to launch rxvt :
rxvtc -j -tr -fade 75 -sh 30 -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=11" \
-bc -tint white -bg black -fg white -sl 2000
Now, I put an aterm with the same configuration next to an rxvt with this
configuration and I switch to another desktop and back. The aterm is not
refreshed (or too fast to be noticed). The rxvt is refreshed in two passes :
the content of the window is, first, the content of another desktop (I suppose
this is a "backbuffer"), then it is refreshed to the correct content.
It could be a feature : aterm does not always update the background when it
is changed while being on another desktop. However, this "flickering" is a
bit "irratating" and I prefer to have a not updated version of the
background. Is it possible to change this behaviour ?
Or maybe rxvt does not use some hardware acceleration, like aterm does ?
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