Problems with fonts

Peter A. Shevtsov peter at
Mon Dec 27 09:36:37 CET 2004

Hello everyone!

First of all merry Christmas to all of you and happy New Year!

My everyday job is connected with various texts in various languages, so 
I was looking for such terminal which supports unicode and can view 
various characters such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, etc. So it 
seems that rxvt-unicode is right for me. But I've got a problem when I 
started to configure fonts for urxvt. My current font config for urxvt 
is the following:
URxvt*font: -misc-console-medium-r-normal--17-*-*-*-c-*-iso10646-1, 
-monotype-arial unicode ms-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1
With such settings ASCII and Cyrillic characters are fine, but Japanese 
for example are displayed as boxes :(
I tried other settings but they were not so convenient -- either some 
artefacts appeared or something else...

Give me some hints what to do!


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