[Fwd: two issues with rxvt-unicode ( could be bugs ) :)]

( Marc A. Lehmann ) pcg at goof.com
Sun Nov 28 01:11:11 CET 2004

On Sat, Nov 27, 2004 at 02:04:06PM +0100, Robin Stocker <nibor at gmx.net> wrote:
> I compiled rxvt-unicode 4.0, with GCC 3.4... Now there was a compiler
> error. I investigated, looked at the source and found out that I had to

It would be helpful if you could tell us the actula error message :)

> I looked in CVS, but didn't find anything regarding this..
> Can you tell me if this is really a bug or is it something with my GCC /
> configuration?

Without the error message I cnanot really say what went wrong, but command.C
does not seem to need anything out of signal.h.

Of course, solaris being what it is.... I'd still like to investigate this

> Ok, after compiling with the 'fix' above, I configured everything, and
> then I noticed this:
> Say, I start urxvt with --geometry 88x36, the - I say, 'virtual' -
> boundaries are wrong, they are like the standard size of the window,
> which is 80x24 I think..

It's not clear to me what "virtual boundaries" are. Again, it would help if
you just described the actual problem.

> Again, this could already be fixed in CVS or it could be a user handling
> problem ;) Anyway, I'd be grateful for help on this :)

Neither of these are likely to be fixed in CVS. I do use rxvt-unicode on
solaris (2.8) from time to time and it seems to work fine (I didn't built
it there myself, though, so I don't know what had to be done).

It's possible that your problems are related. Are you sure you are picking
the right set of header files? AFAIC, solaris has multiple sets of
headers, and some of these miss vital things like SIGWINCH, which could be
the source of your problem.

                The choice of a                              |
      -----==-     _GNU_                                     |
      ----==-- _       generation     Marc Lehmann         +--
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      pcg at goof.com         |e|
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      http://schmorp.de/   --+
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\      XX11-RIPE            |

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