libev / multiple threads / multiple loops

John Newton jnewton at
Mon Nov 3 14:29:27 CET 2014

I am not an authority on libev, but have used it in a socket/proxy program
that handles millions of simultaneous open sockets. Libev is designed so
the libev "threads" run on the same O/S thread. Libev is best used where
the application has a large number of waiting threads, and when a thread is
ready to execute, it does not need a lot of time to perform it's task. The
balance between number of number of waiting threads, and duration of each
task will determine the "latency" added to a libev "thread", when it is
ready to execute, but other libev threads are running. The point of libev
is to reduce O/S and C library latency in switching O/S threads to a ready
thread (in a cross platform way). For example, If my program had to have 1
million O/S threads, the memory cost would be significantly increased, and
thread switching cost would be much greater than then actual work time per
thread . In my application, I have one O/S thread per CPU core, and let
libev manage all of the waiting sockets on individual libev "thread".

So you are correct, your worker tasks have to cooperate. If your worker
thread has to do 100 ms of work, all your other waiting libev threads will
have to wait.
You have to balance:
- amount of CPU for workers needed when "ready to run".
- min/max/avg number of waiting tasks vs "ready to run" tasks
- number of CPU O/S threads you have to  use O/S (or library)
multi-threading between ready tasks (I have multi-cores available)
- Memory available, and how much context switching cost vs. amount of work
a "ready" task will need.

I should note the third reason for libev is the abstraction of event (poll,
kevent, etc.), while dealing with some O/S and platform differences (memory
barriers, bugs, etc.).

I am sure there are more reasons libev exists, but these are the ones that
were important to my application.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Jamie Doran <jamie.doran81 at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking at using libev in a multi-threading process and am trying to
> understand how callbacks are invoked on individual threads.
> My test program (see below) creates a number of worker threads, each with
> its own dynamic loop.  As a test, I create a periodic timer on each thread
> and when it expires do some work.
> Because each worker thread has its own loop instance and is polling that
> i.e. then it should operate independent of the main thread
> where the default loop is ?   i.e. the invocation of the callback would be
> done on the "worker" thread. Instead I see that the callbacks for all
> workers are in fact executed on the main thread where the default loop is
> running.
> Perhaps I am misunderstanding something fundamental about libev and my
> apologies if I am but I would be grateful if you could point this out to me
> and why it works this way.
> The attached example is only just that to illustrate the point but I would
> like something where a specific worker with its own thread could do some
> socket io independent of the main thread.
> Does this make sense?
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <ev.h>
> #include <ev++.h>
> #include<pthread.h>
> pthread_barrier_t b;
> void do_some_work(int id)
> {
>     printf("%s Id= %d thr_id= %lu\n\n", __FUNCTION__, id, pthread_self());
>     long data = 230000;
>     for (int i=0;i<2000;i++) {
>         for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
>             for (long z = 0; z < 300; z++) {
>                 data *= j;
>                 data <<8>>8;
>             }
> }
>     }
> }
> class Worker {
>     int                 m_id;
>     ev::dynamic_loop    m_loop;
>     ev::timer           m_timer;
>     void timeout_cb(ev::timer &watcher, int revents) {
>         printf("Worker: %s :  Id= %d <%lu>\n", __FUNCTION__, m_id,
> pthread_self());
>         do_some_work(m_id);
>     }
> public:
>     Worker(int id) : m_id(id) {
>         m_timer.set<Worker,&Worker::timeout_cb>(this);
>         m_timer.start(0., 1);
>     }
>     void run_event_loop() {
>         printf("Worker: %s : id= %d thr_id= %lu\n", __FUNCTION__, m_id,
> pthread_self());
> pthread_barrier_wait(&b);
>   ;
>     }
> };
> void* start_worker(void* data)
> {
>     long id = (long)data;
>     Worker *worker_module =
>         new Worker(id);
>     worker_module->run_event_loop();
> }
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>     ev::default_loop       loop;
>     int err, numThreads = 1;
>     if (argc>1)
>         numThreads = strtol(&argv[1][0], NULL, 10);
>     pthread_barrier_init(&b, 0, numThreads+1);
>     pthread_t *thread_ids = (pthread_t
> *)malloc(numThreads*sizeof(pthread_t));
>     for (int i=0;i<numThreads;i++) {
>         pthread_create(&thread_ids[i], NULL, start_worker, (void *)i);
>     }
>     printf("%s thr_id = %lu\n", __FUNCTION__, pthread_self());
>     pthread_barrier_wait(&b);
>     for (int i=0;i<numThreads;i++) {
>         pthread_join(thread_ids[i],NULL);
>     }
>     return 0;
> }
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