
Marc Lehmann schmorp at
Wed Dec 6 20:23:03 CET 2006


I thought I'd show some lifesigns.

* lost its sponsoring

   Title says it all. I'll continue to pay for the server for a while and
   hope I can find another location for it before I run out of money.

* webserver has been upgraded

   Actually, not the webserver, but the coroutine package it uses. It
   hopefully runs more stable now (i.e. years not a year), has no memory
   leaks anymore, and, more importantly, does not leak filehandles anymore,
   which was the primary reason it had to be restarted once a year or so
   in theory (harwdare problems were mroe common).

   It is possible, but unlikely, that this fixes other issues users have
   reported (adn which are likely software problems on their end).

   This upgrading is actually the reason the server had to restart a few
   times in the last days.

* disks continue to break

   The server has had a hardware problem of unclear source - and lots (14) of
   old and very old ata disks. Some slowly embrace death, while others seem to
   suffer from physical pressure that is detrimental for their operation.

   In short, 4 of the 14 disks are now either not responding anymore or
   suffer from severe I/O problems and thus are no longer online. Some of
   them continue to cause problems forcing reboots (and causing problems on
   reboot) but hey, unlike the mars orbiter I can at least go there and fix
   it in theory :)

   It is likely that I can get their data back, and it is likely that the whole
   system will be replaced by a few new and big sata disks, but it is again
   unclear on when I can upgrade it.

* New files are still waiting

   As such (see above), I couldn't put new content online, and ~100gb of
   mangas are still not online but on the server because they are not yet
   following the correct directory structure.

   This, again, is a time problem.


Summary: the server is running, being cared for, but not in the best shape
because it lacks the long overdue upgrading.

It still serves files 24 hours, on most days :)

                The choice of a
      -----==-     _GNU_
      ----==-- _       generation     Marc Lehmann
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      pcg at
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\      XX11-RIPE

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