Aw: RE: possible mirrors

Winston Smith smith_winston_6079 at
Fri Jun 16 08:26:20 CEST 2006

Huh? A wiki? In general, a good idea!

But: Based on the fact that is working on full
capacity all the time, and interpreting wiki syntax through
php modules takes a lot of CPU time, this wiki should
not be on

It would be great to have a place where everybody can
post links to sites (or hotlinks to files) such that one
doesn't have to search for hours on the net. I mean,
everything is available on file sharing nets, but the
treasures on the http net are hidden very well. E.g.,
I found through a coincidence. What I did
so far is mirroring forums, extract the links and urls
and try them manually...

Legal advise: In Germany, it is illegal to post links to
copyrighted material. has some copyrighted
material. Copyrighted in Germany and also many other
countries. In fact, the system of the admin (looking at
the country ID of the clients) to avoid enabling to download
copyrighted material (you might experienced that if you
try to download e.g. the Card Captor Sakura manga) is
only a placebo since one can use proxies in other
countries. It took a couple of days to hack little pieces
of code that fetch proxy addresses from certain sites,
an to pass them to wget or to java sockets.

One other remark: Please also cc your mails to the
mailing list anime at such that everyone
can participate in this discussion. (Unless you want
to keep this private...)

Again: Having such a wiki would be great! I don't have
the experience with wikis, and I cannot configure my
box to enable http access from outside (employer
restriction), but maybe someone can find a provider
who hosts wikis.

Winston Smith

PS: I'm not the admin of I only helped out
in the past with sorting episodes and movies.
I also tried to help out with mangas and music, but
so far, I only downloaded the mangas and am about
to get a system behind it.

>From: Georg Batz <frantzbardon at>
>To: smith_winston_6079 at
>Subject: Aw: RE: possible mirrors
>Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 18:05:47 +0200 (CEST)
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>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Jun 2006 16:05:52.0523 (UTC) 
>... What's the Email of the admin?
>I suggest to build a wiki on the server with "sources" so everone can add 
>----- Original Nachricht ----
>Von:     Winston Smith <smith_winston_6079 at>
>An:      frantzbardon at
>Datum:   15.06.2006 01:41
>Betreff: RE: possible mirrors
> > Nice.
> >
> >
> > >From: Georg Batz <frantzbardon at>
> > >
> > >I haven't downloaded any stuff from animeplan but I posses the folowing
> > >animes(all full with english subs):
> > >Chobits
> > >Onegai Teacher
> > >Onegai Twins
> > >
> > >My suggested mirror sites are(I think file hosters/storage with ftp and
> > >unlimited traffic would be preferable):
> > >
> > >-
> > >
> > >-
> > >
> >
> > Maybe you could send the links pointing to the files to the admin
> > so that he can add them in his directory structure.
> >
> > Anyone else on this list with animes to share?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Winston Smith
> >
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