how to download

Winston Smith smith_winston_6079 at
Mon Sep 5 02:21:26 CEST 2005

>From: Marc Lehmann <schmorp at>
>To: anime at
>Subject: Re: how to download
>Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:18:20 +0200
>Well, as always, you don't control your proxy and don't know what it
>does. If its transparent, then the server has no chance excewpt counting
>all connections theough the proxy as coming from the same host.

I think, it's not a transparent proxy. If I try to access licenced material, sends back the ip of the proxy, not the one of my box.

> > 14:09:11 (0.00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying.
>Most likely your proxy closes the conenction, but retries internally. 
>not what it should do, but some people configure them that way.

I guess so. I have to ask them. It's likely that the proxy closes the
connection automatically after 3 minutes even if the keep-alive is set.
But I thought, plan9 sens small packages to keep the connection

> > The funny thing is, although I told wget to retry infinite times (-t 0),
> > wget only
> > retries three times.
>Are you sure? In your example, it got successfuly got a 403 response with 
>credentials you gave ("none").

Credentials? Yes, I gave none, but what credentials do you mean?
The http_proxy is set correctly if you mean this. But I guess you mean
the --proxy-user and --proxy-passwd. I think that's ok, since the proxy
is configured to allow ip-based connections.

- Winston

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