HOOOOEEEEEEEEEEE! Ghost in the Shell - Innocence?

Winston Smith smith_winston_6079 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 18 10:28:02 CEST 2005

Cool, new stuff. In particular, GitS - Innocence.

But: Has anyone experienced the same problem like me?
When I try to download, mozilla says after some minutes
either the file is not there (which may be) or produces
a 0-byte-file and says, it'd done.

When I use wget, the usual way I do downloads, wget
sometimes says "403 Forbidden" or a broken connection.
There are no timeouts (as default for wget).

The funny thing is, this happens with episodes
and movies only. I can download small files (manga
and music) without problems.

Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

- Winston Smith

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