Sorting order

Marc Lehmann schmorp at
Tue Jun 21 12:22:11 CEST 2005

On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 04:57:19AM +0500, Winston Smith <smith_winston_6079 at> wrote:
> >The sort order is mostly alphabetically sorted. And those directories seem
> >relatively clean to me, too. Can you have an example of what is wrong and
> >how it should be?
> Yes. For instance: Why are the files in 
> not in a sub dir of 
> ?
> Appearently, they belong to the manga of CCS.

Hnmm, that certainly is a bug, and should be the exception.

> If you want, I can give you a complete list of subdirs which I think aren't 
> sorted
> in the appropriate dir, but this will take one or two days...

Yeah, that would be great, wether it takes two days or months, time
doesn't matter.

> >Can you give an example of "how to do this easily"?
> Ano... As I wrote above I can give you a complete list. I don't know how
> plan9 is organised (disks mounted etc.), but if the visible structure of
> http://anime... is the same as on the file system of plan9, I can write a
> script for you.

A list of urls would be more useful (what you see is a big symlink tree).

> >Has anybody tried animeshare lately (if i still exists)?
> Iie. What is it? A website?

A napster network just for anime (called AF Peer to Peer).

> >... (but those cases of data loss tend to be
> >relatively rare).
> Hontouni? How long does a disk of plan9 "live" on an average?

Well, out of the 14 disks in use, only one completely died in the last 5+
years or so.

> >In the long term, would some kind of "show me the files that have changed 
> >the last xxx days/weeks/months" etc. help?
> Yes. I think of a simple log file dumped out by the indexer. Every line
> could start with a A(dd), D(elete) or U(pdate) to indicate what
> happened to every file. Of course, unchanged files do not appear
> on those lists ^_^;

Well, a diff will suffice, I presume. I can add this to my script that
generates the index files.

                The choice of a
      -----==-     _GNU_
      ----==-- _       generation     Marc Lehmann
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