Sorting order & Naushika

Winston Smith smith_winston_6079 at
Mon Jun 20 01:40:01 CEST 2005

>From: Marc Lehmann <schmorp at>
>To: anime at
>Subject: Re: Unable to download anything
>Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 03:26:18 +0200
>... The idea behind this list is
>not just announcements form my side but active discussion and possibly
>support by users of the site for users of the site.

Ok, I have five issues: The first is the sorting order of /anime/manga, 
and /hentai/series. I don't get it. Why are there some directories with 
stuff? Most of it can be easily inserted in the appropriate directories...

Second: Does anybody have links to the OST of Naushika? plan9 does only
have one song. Since I saw the movie I'd like to have it, but it's hardly 
in Australia.

Third: I can't share mariagottlob's problems. Sorry. Yes, a standard wget is
able to download stuff from plan9. In general it's a good idea not to use 
browser for downloading because you don't have control over what your
browser is doing (number of connections etc.). If you're using Windows, then
try a download program. Just google...

Forth: The problem with the placeholder page is solved. schmorp, you 

Last: It would be great if there is a possibility to get announcements about
deletings, updates and additions. Then one has not search each directory
for new stuff every week or month. Thanks.

- Winston

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